Health and Safety

At Red Barn Nursery School, we take health and safety very seriously. Our entire staff has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and takes great care in keeping your children safe and healthy throughout the day.


Classroom Cleaning & Organization

The staff at Red Barn continues to focus on the importance of offering our children a sanitized and organized environment both indoors and out. During the summer of 2020, we upgraded our air flow systems to include medical-grade HEPA filters. We have also significantly thinned down the amount of materials in each classroom, which has provided an opportunity to make even better use of nature’s playground and materials.


Healthy Habits

Red Barn Nursery School has always followed stringent cleaning and disinfecting practices that exceed the requirements set forth by the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care (EEC). Every morning students either wash their hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival. They also wash their hands during several other points throughout their mornings at Red Barn. Supplies and materials used are cleaned and sanitized throughout the morning.



We request that caregivers screen children for symptoms each morning before school drop-off and keep children home should an indication of illness be present. Red Barn will continue to communicate new changes, updates, and requirements to the families. Our team members closely monitor the health of each child throughout the day. If they notice your child has developed a fever, cough, or other symptom(s), you will be contacted to pick up your child from school in an effort to keep our broader Red Barn community as healthy as possible. Red Barn will continue to adhere to all existing and new practices and mandated protocols set forth by the county and state regarding COVID-19.