Family Involvement

Each classroom will provide weekly opportunities for parents to come to the classroom to read to children, as the pandemic permits. Additional volunteer opportunities will be available throughout the year for special activities, nature walks and birthday visits.


Parent Classroom Contributions

Parent contributions are encouraged and based on individual abilities, skill sets, specialties, availability, interest level, etc. Each year, Red Barn families are required to fill important volunteer positions and participation is an integral component to the operations of the school. Parent jobs are filled on a first come, first served basis. In addition to serving on our Board of Directors, the following positions are filled by parent volunteers:

● Class Parents

● Facilities Committee

● Organizer

● Recycling Champion

● Social / Fundraising Committee (SoFun)

● Social Justice Committee

● Laundry Coordinator

● Tech Support Committee

● Healthcare Consultant

● Social Media Chair

● Gardener

● Photographer

● Teacher Appreciation Week Chair


Snack Guidelines

Parents are asked to provide a nut-free snack and water bottle for their child each day. In lieu of snack, toddlers will eat an early lunch provided from home.


Birthdays are a reason to celebrate! In lieu of treats, each classroom has created a special tradition to mark this important milestone for children. Your teachers will share how they plan to celebrate birthdays in their classrooms.

Fundraising & Social Events

Since tuition dollars alone don’t cover our cost base, fundraising provides important revenue for the school, and it is important that all families participate in the fundraising efforts according to their level of time, energy, and talent.

Red Barn conducts two fundraising events each year (in the Fall and Spring) to financially support the operations of our school. In addition, smaller fundraisers and social events are scheduled at times throughout the year. Decisions pertaining to fundraising events are handled by the Board but we would love to hear any thoughts that you may have.

Throughout the school year, a fundraising committee (SoFun) organizes events and projects that school families can participate in. Parents are encouraged to attend a variety of school and social events throughout the year, designed to build and strengthen a sense of community for Red Barn families.